
Showing posts from July, 2020

One year after special status ended, Kashmiris have disappeared from government in J&K

On April 2, a photograph from an official meeting of the Jammu and Kashmir administration created a buzz on social media in the Kashmir Valley. At first glance, the picture appeared unremarkable. It showed Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor GC Murmu holding a meeting with a battery of bureaucrats. Social media users in the Valley were quick to point out that, out of the 19 men in the photograph, there was only one Kashmiri Muslim – Farooq Ahmad Lone, a former Indian Administrative Service officer from the Valley. “Islam is the major religion practiced in Kashmir, with 97.00% of the region’s population identifying as Muslims and among them just Farooq Lone sb is standing alone in decision making with regard to highly Muslim populated Jammu and Kashmir as I could see,” said a Facebook user from Kashmir. The picture cut to the heart of the anxiety that has gripped the Valley ever since August 5, 2019, when the Centre stripped Jammu and Kashmir of special status and split the former...

Manish Sisodia says New Education Policy proposes ‘highly-regulated, poorly-funded’ learning model

Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia , who also holds the education portfolio, on Thursday said that the Centre’s new National Education Policy was a progressive document that acknowledges the flaws in the present system but provides for a “highly-regulated and poorly-funded” model of learning. Sisodia added that the new policy has not been able to break free of the old ways of understanding and imparting education. “The other big problem with the policy is that it is either silent or confused about how to achieve the proposed reforms and requirements,” Sisodia said at a press briefing. The Delhi deputy chief minister also pointed out at the government’s proposal to allocate 6% of the gross domestic product to education was not new. “This has been repeated since 1966 but the government has to bring in a law to ensure that 6% of the GDP goes into education. We cannot achieve this goal on a national level unless there is a law for it.” Sisodia said that the new education policy...

What do dating, romance and love really mean for a Dalit woman in India today?

There is also a steady stream of discourse dedicated to how Indian women are gaining sexual agency, in that they are no longer hesitant when it comes to casual sex, being with married men, or having an open relationship. Hook-ups and casual dating, via an app or otherwise, are perceived to be creating a sex-positive culture for Indian women who may otherwise be inhibited from experiencing unbridled sexual pleasure inside or outside of a relationship. Unsurprisingly, this mainstream feminist discourse is predominantly led by women from upper-caste/bourgeoise locations. Not all Dalit women (cisgender, heterosexual, urban, and educated), who consider dating as a possible route to finding romantic partners, necessarily share the same experience. At the heart of a good, intimate relationship is the understanding that those involved in sustaining that bond are of value. But how is this value determined and who in the relationship determines it? The highest value, as defined by Hinduism, h...

Coronavirus: Delhi government allows hotels to resume services, no decision yet on opening gyms

The Delhi government on Thursday allowed hotels and hospitality services to resume in accordance with the Centre’s “Unlock 3” guidelines amid the coronavirus crisis, PTI reported. Night curfew in the Capital was also lifted. An unidentified senior Delhi government official told the Hindustan Times that the decision on opening gymnasiums and yoga centres was yet to be made. The official said that at a meeting with Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Lieutenant Governor Anil Baijal had expressed reluctance to open gyms. “So, the chief minister has said that a decision on this will be taken in a week’s time after consulting all stakeholders,” the official said. The Delhi government had on Wednesday de-linked hotels acquired to house coronavirus patients in isolation from hospitals. “In view of the improving [coronavirus] situation and all hotel beds lying vacant for the last many days, these hotels are now being released,” Kejriwal had said. The Delhi government also allowed weekly mar...

करीबी ही निकला DU के एग्जामिनर के घर में हुई डकैती का मुख्य आरोपी, 3 गिरफ्तार

पूछताछ में मोहम्मद चांद ने बताया कि एक बार सुनील शर्मा की बहन ने घर पर रखी नकदी और आभूषण के बारे में बताया था. वो जुआ खेलने के कारण कर्ज में डूबा हुआ था. from Zee News Hindi: India News

राजस्थान में सियासी हलचल: कांग्रेस ने बुलाई विधायक दल की बैठक, जैसलमेर भेजे जा सकते हैं MLA

आज सुबह 10 बजे कांग्रेस विधायकदल की बैठक बुलाई गई है. सूत्रों के हवाले से मिल रही जानकारी के मुताबिक बैठक के बाद गहलोत समर्थक विधायकों को जैसलमेर रिसोर्ट में शिफ्ट किया जाएगा.  from Zee News Hindi: India News

Coronavirus: States can now de-notify containment zones in 14 days, says Centre

7.38 am: All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam workers flout physical distancing norms as they welcome Tamil Nadu minister Sellur Raju who had recovered from Covid-19 in Madurai. #WATCH : Tamil Nadu Minister Sellur Raju who had recovered from #COVID19 , was welcomed by All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) workers on returning to Madurai; social distancing norms flouted. (30/7) — ANI (@ANI) July 31, 2020 7.37 am: India tested more than 6 lakh samples on Thursday, ANI reports citing the health ministry. “The objective is to raise testing capacity to 10 lakh tests per day in medium term,” says the ministry. 7.32 am: West Bengal reports 46 new deaths – the highest so far – taking the state’s toll to 1,536. The state also records 2,434 new cases. 7.30 am: Odisha’s total count crosses the 30,000-mark with 1,203 fresh infections. Ten more fatalities takes the state’s toll to 169. 7.28 am: States can now de-notify containment zones in t...

इतिहास बनाने से बस एक कदम दूर ZEE NEWS की मुहिम, 99 लाख का आंकड़ा पार

अगर आप भी #MadeInIndia मुहिम का समर्थन करते हैं तो आप अपने मोबाइल को हथियार बनाइए और हमारे मोबाइल नंबर 7834998998 पर मिस्ड कॉल कीजिए. from Zee News Hindi: India News

बिहार के 14 जिलों की 39.63 लाख आबादी बाढ़ से प्रभावित, खतरे के निशान से ऊपर बह रही नदियां

दरभंगा जिला में सबसे अधिक 14 प्रखंडों के 173 पंचायतों की 13,51,200 आबादी बाढ़ से प्रभावित हुई है. बाढ़ प्रभावित इन जिलों में बचाव और राहत कार्य चलाए जाने के लिए एनडीआरएफ और एसडीआरएफ की कुल 28 टीमों की तैनाती की गई है. from Zee News Hindi: India News

सरकार ने चीन को दिया एक और करारा झटका, अब लिया Colour TV पर फैसला

सरकार ने रंगीन टेलीविजन (Colour Television) के आयात पर बृहस्पतिवार को प्रतिबंध (Ban) लगा दिया. इस कदम का उद्देश्य टेलीविजन (TV) के घरेलू विनिर्माण को बढ़ावा देना और चीन जैसे देशों से गैर-जरूरी वस्तुओं के आयात को कम करना है. from Zee News Hindi: India News

India’s migrant crisis pointed to another problem – its lack of shelter homes

On March 24, when the government announced a nationwide lockdown to prevent the spread of coronavirus, India was served a fierce reminder that its cities are, by design, exclusionary. Millions of workers around the country were left cashless, hungry and in many instances, homeless. Many of them set out for their villages hundreds of kilometres away – on foot. Several state governments introduced measures to force desperate, unemployed migrants into shelter homes. But these measures were inadequate even as stop-gap alternatives, let alone as effective policy strategies. They not only underestimated the scale of the crisis, but strongly suggested the state’s unpreparedness or unwillingness in finding a more viable solution to the sudden problem of large-scale homelessness. Three limitations The approach had three main limitations. First, there just are not enough shelters anywhere, in any major city to comfortably accommodate the vast numbers of workers who had been stranded. The Min...

कोरोना के टीके पर वैज्ञानिकों का जोर अब किस बात पर, जानिए क्या है नया अपडेट

ऑक्सफोर्ड विश्वविद्यालय से जुड़े प्रोफेसर एड्रियान हिल ने कहा कि टीके के संबंध में उपलब्ध सुरक्षा डेटाबेस के कारण हम तेजी से स्वीकृति प्राप्त करने में सफल रहे. ऑक्सफोर्ड द्वारा विकसित टीका मानव परीक्षण के तीसरे चरण में है. from Zee News Hindi: India News

Jordan’s crackdown on teachers condemned by HRW

Author:  article author:  Daoud Kuttab Fri, 2020-07-31 03:00 AMMAN: Jordan’s government is facing criticism from human rights groups over its handling of a teachers’ protest in the country. The global watchdog Human Rights Watch (HRW) and the Jordanian Center for Human Rights condemned the government’s response to the dispute shortly after teachers’ union offices were shut down and a comprehensive gag order was placed on all reporting about the situation, including on social media or sharing social media comments. Main category:  Middle-East Tags:  Amman Jordan Special from ArabNews

Eid in Lebanon overshadowed by virus lockdown, economic crisis

Author:  article author:  NAJIA HOUSSARI Fri, 2020-07-31 02:49 BEIRUT: Eid Al-Adha celebrations in Lebanon were on Thursday overshadowed by economic gloom and the first day of lockdown to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak. Any festive spirit was knocked flat as official figures showed the number of COVID-19 cases in the country having shot up to 4,250, with 55 deaths. Main category:  Middle-East Tags:  Jordan Amman Coronaviirus Special from ArabNews

Saudis’ love of volunteering on full display during Hajj

article author:  Tarek Al-Thaqafi Author:  Fri, 2020-07-31 02:18 MAKKAH: Though the coronavirus pandemic has affected many things, the culture of volunteering continues to remain strong in Saudi Arabia, as citizens serve the Kingdom’s visitors from all over the world. Mashael Al-Mubarak, the general director of volunteering at the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, told Arab News the Kingdom had paid special attention to the issue of volunteerism, as well as its organization and stimulation, despite the crisis. Main category:  Saudi Arabia Tags:  Hajj 2020 from ArabNews

In West Bank, Eid sacrifices plummet as virus cases soar

article author:  Reuters AFP Author:  Fri, 2020-07-31 02:32 BETHLEHEM: Slaughterhouses typically crowded with Palestinian Muslims buying sheep for the annual Eid Al-Adha “feast of sacrifice” were nearly empty this week as coronavirus curbs weigh on the economy in the occupied West Bank. Main category:  Middle-East Tags:  West Bank Eid Al Adha from ArabNews

Yazidi children freed from Daesh haunted by health crisis

article author:  AFP Author:  Fri, 2020-07-31 02:28 BAGHDAD: Nearly 2,000 Yazidi children freed from the grips of Daesh in recent years are still trapped by psychological and physical trauma, Amnesty International warned on Thursday. In a new report based on dozens of interviews in northern Iraq, the rights group found that 1,992 children who faced torture, forced conscription, rape and other abuses at the hands of Daesh were not getting the care they need. Main category:  Middle-East Tags:  Iraqi Yazidi from ArabNews

Saudi media plays key role in ‘fight against human trafficking’

article author:  SPA Fri, 2020-07-31 01:56 RIYADH: Majid Al-Qasabi, Saudi Arabia’s acting minister of media, says that the Kingdom is acting to prevent human trafficking through the enactment of internal laws and  accession to international instruments aimed at combating the crime. Main category:  Saudi Arabia Media Tags:  Coronavirus from ArabNews

Saudi authorities monitor health violations in Eastern Province

article author:  SPA Fri, 2020-07-31 01:50 DAMMAM: The Eastern Province municipality has carried out 547 field inspection tours in the region as part of coronavirus precautionary measures. The tours were carried out with the relevant authorities to ensure that preventive and precautionary protocols were in place to enhance the health and safety of Saudi nationals and residents. The inspections resulted in dozens of violations: 52 for noncompliance with precautionary and preventive measures, and 14 for accumulation in commercial markets. Main category:  Saudi Arabia Tags:  Coronaviirus from ArabNews

Saudi Film Festival to be held online in September

article author:  SPA Fri, 2020-07-31 01:47 DAMMAM: The Saudi Film Festival will be held virtually from Sept. 1-6 and broadcast online, its organizing committee said. Interviews with filmmakers as well as workshops will be among highlights of the festival’s sixth edition. Audiences will watch the festival live and vote for their favorite films. Organizers said the decision to livestream the festival was taken in light of the coronavirus pandemic, which would deter many from attending. Main category:  Saudi Arabia Tags:  Saudi film authority from ArabNews

Saudi Arabia’s aid center gives Eid clothes to Yemeni children

article author:  SPA Fri, 2020-07-31 01:41 SHABWA: The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSRelief), in cooperation with Al-Khair charity, has distributed 1,750 bags of clothing to Yemeni children for Eid Al-Adha. The packages, containing 5,250 items of clothing, were handed out to displaced and orphaned youngsters in Yemen’s Shabwa governorate. The latest assistance is part of a broad range of projects offered by the Kingdom through the center to the Yemeni people. Main category:  Saudi Arabia Tags:  King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSRelief) from ArabNews

Muse Rawan: What We Are Buying Today

article author:  Nada Hameed Fri, 2020-07-31 01:39 Muse Rawan is a Saudi unisex jewelry house inspired by the landscape, architecture, archaeological treasures and ancient history of the Saudi Arabian desert. The business was launched in 2016 by Saudi jewelry and fashion designer Rawan Al-Sehli. Muse Rawan design house has reinvented the concept of traditional jewelry with modern pieces that embody the archaeological wonders found in the Kingdom’s deserts. The brand tells the untold stories behind monuments and artefacts found in the diverse deserts of Saudi Arabia. Main category:  Saudi Arabia Tags:  What We Are Buying Today from ArabNews

सुशांत सिंह राजपूत को लेकर सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी के ट्वीट ने मचाई खलबली

स्वामी ने गुरुवार को एक ट्वीट किया जिसने सोशल मीडिया पर खलबली मचा दी. बीजेपी सांसद ने अपने ट्वीट कर बताया कि आखिर उन्हें क्यों लगता है कि सुशांत सिंह राजपूत की हत्या हुई है.  from Zee News Hindi: India News

‘Is India only Delhi?’: Tripura politician calls out national media for ignoring the North-East

My message on how we are sometimes ignored by so called national media because it’s far too inconvenient for them . Be it ASSAM floods or the gangrape in Tripura . Is only Mumbai,Delhi,Bangalore,Chinese Apps and Bollywood worth covering ? — Pradyot_Tripura (@PradyotManikya) July 28, 2020 ... Read more from

‘Do you have rocks in your head?’: Nick Kyrgios fires back at Borna Coric

Nick Kyrgios has slammed Borna Coric for having an “intellectual level of zero” after the Croat said he doesn’t care about criticism from the Australian over Novak Djokovic’s ill-fated Adria Tour tennis exhibition. The combustible Kyrgios has been waging a social media battle with anyone who played in the tournament, branding the decision to hold it “boneheaded” while blasting those who took part for their “stupidity”. Coric, one of four players to test positive for coronavirus at the Balkans event last month, fired back this week, suggesting criticism from Kyrgios, who has a hot-headed reputation on court, was not credible. “I read what he wrote, but I simply don’t care since he likes to be a ‘general after a battle’,” Coric told the Jutarnji List newspaper. “If someone else was teaching lessons I would have maybe understood, but Kyrgios ... It’s somehow not realistic.” Kyrgios responded on Twitter late Wednesday by saying: “You should care. Do you have rocks in your head? Yo...

‘No fizzy drinks in 50 days’: Man documents his health journey to stop his fizzy drink addiction

There’s this man on TikTok who has been trying to kick his soda addiction. He posts every single day just to tell you that he’s had “no fizzy drinks today” and it is the most wholesome and endearing thing. — basseyworld (@Basseyworld) July 27, 2020 Read more

The Covid-19 crisis showed why India needs a policy for its 3.6 million internally-displaced persons

India has much to answer for about the callousness with which it treated the hundreds of thousands of migrant workers whose lives were plunged into chaos on March 24 after Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a total lockdown to contain the spread of the coronavirus at a four-hour notice. Left without their daily-wage jobs and food, the workers began a great exodus back to their home villages. Some walked hundreds of kilometres. Despite the Centre’s inadequate management of the crisis, the Supreme Court initially declined to intercede, dismissing public interest litigations that wanted the court to direct the Centre to ensure that the workers were given transport to get home in addition to providing them with food and shelter. By contrast, the High Courts of Madras, Andhra Pradesh, Bombay, Gujarat and others offered a semblance of hope by taking cognisance of the crisis and issued directions to their respective state governments to file status reports, ensure that personal protec...

Watch: Kerala businessman booked for flaunting new Mercedes in violation of traffic, Covid-19 rules

Kerala businessman’s roadshow with his newly-bought Mercedes lands him in trouble. — The News Minute (@thenewsminute) July 29, 2020 ... Read more from

If we do not speak up now against the arrest of Professor Hany Babu, we may lose India forever

Hany Babu has been arrested. Even though the news was not surprising, it shocked me. It is unsettling to think that we will not longer walk past a class overflowing with students with Hany Babu inside, that we do not know how long it will take to bump into him again in the corridors of Delhi University’s Arts Faculty. These had always been chance encounters. Hany Babu appeared, at least to me, a man of few words. Apart from knowing him as a colleague, a fellow teacher at the neighbouring Department of English, I was aware of his activities on the anti-caste front and as the person leading the Saibaba defence committee. The former Delhi University professor, GN Saibaba, is wheelchair-bound with over 90% physical disability. In 2017, he was given a life sentence for having links with Maoists. Last year, when my father called me to tell me that the home of a Delhi University professor had been raided, I asked him whether the professor was Hany Babu. Why did his name came to my mind? My...

West Bengal Congress President Somen Mitra dies at 78

West Bengal Congress President Somen Mitra died at a hospital in Kolkata on Thursday. He was 78. A member of Mitra’s family told PTI that he had been hospitalised due to kidney and heart illnesses. Unidentified hospital officials told the news agency that Mitra suffered a cardiac arrest and died around 1.30 am. The West Bengal Congress posted a tribute to the leader on Twitter. “As we struggle to come to terms with this immense loss, all our prayers and thoughts are with Dada’s family,” the party wrote. “May his soul rest in peace.” Congress leader and former party chief Rahul Gandhi took to Twitter and said that his love and support is with Mitra’s family and friends amid such difficult times. “We will remember him with love, fondness and respect,” Gandhi said. WBPCC President Somen Mitra has breathed his last, a short while ago. As we struggle to come to terms with this immense loss, all our prayers and thoughts are with Dada’s family. May his soul rest in peace 🙏 pic.twitte...

A former bookseller explains why bookshops will find the post-pandemic period especially difficult

The future of bookshops has been dark and uncertain for a while now. The pandemic makes the dangers all the more imminent. For someone who ran a small independent bookshop for over 30 years in New Delhi, the last few years alone have been particularly difficult. Many booksellers like me had to shut shop because we could no longer afford to pay the rent. Sadly, no amount of love for books could save us. Yet, anyone who has experience in selling books will tell you that the trade is also a story of survival, which is no stranger to the gloom and doom that pervades every time the economy crashes. Independent bookshops in the past few decades have also fought many pitched battles. They’ve seen the rise of chain bookstores, the onslaught of e-commerce platforms and the emergence of ebooks, and yet the humble neighbourhood bookstore has survived in some form or size. The book market for the non-educational and non-professional books, as most of you know, is frightfully small in our countr...

Rahul Gandhi asks Centre three questions on Rafale after first batch of fighter jets lands in India

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, who has repeatedly accused the Centre of corruption in the Rafale jet deal, on Wednesday asked the government three questions after the first batch of the fighter jets landed in India. Gandhi repeated the questions that he had asked the government ahead of the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. “Congratulations to IAF [Indian Air Force] for Rafale,” he tweeted. “Meanwhile, can GOI [the Government of India] answer: Why each aircraft costs ₹1670 Crores instead of ₹526 Crores? Why 36 aircraft were bought instead of 126? Why was bankrupt Anil given a ₹30,000 Crores contract instead of HAL [Hindustan Aeronautics Limited]?” Congratulations to IAF for Rafale. Meanwhile, can GOI answer: 1) Why each aircraft costs ₹1670 Crores instead of ₹526 Crores? 2) Why 36 aircraft were bought instead of 126? 3) Why was bankrupt Anil given a ₹30,000 Crores contract instead of HAL? — Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) July 29, 2020 The Rafale fighter jet deal had become a major p...

Oppo Reno4 Pro की कीमत लीक, कल लॉन्च होगा फोन

ओप्पो रेनो4 प्रो की कीमत सेगमेंट्स के दूसरे फोन्स के मुकाबले महंगी हो सकती है। एक ट्विटर यूजर ने लीक रिपोर्ट में इस फोन के बारे में कुछ दावे किए हैं। इसमें कहा गया ओप्पो का फोन 32,990 रुपये के प्राइसटैग के साथ आ सकता है। ओप्पो रेनो4 प्रो की कीमत सेगमेंट्स के दूसरे फोन्स के मुकाबले महंगी हो सकती है। एक ट्विटर यूजर ने लीक रिपोर्ट में इस फोन के बारे में कुछ दावे किए हैं। इसमें कहा गया ओप्पो का फोन 32,990 रुपये के प्राइसटैग के साथ आ सकता है। from Navbharat Times

OnePlus Nord यूजर्स को डिस्प्ले में दिखी खामी, स्क्रीन पर आ रहे टिंट

चाइनीज टेक कंपनी वनप्लस की ओर से बीते दिनों अफॉर्डेबल प्राइस पर OnePlus Nord लॉन्च किया गया है। इस स्मार्टफोन में कंपनी ने AMOLED डिस्प्ले दिया है, जिसे लेकर कई यूजर्स शिकायत कर रहे हैं। वनप्लस कम्युनिटी में कई यूजर्स ने बताया है कि फोन का ब्राइटनेस लेवल 25 प्रतिशत से कम करने पर डिस्प्ले टिंट दिखने लगते हैं। चाइनीज टेक कंपनी वनप्लस की ओर से बीते दिनों अफॉर्डेबल प्राइस पर OnePlus Nord लॉन्च किया गया है। इस स्मार्टफोन में कंपनी ने AMOLED डिस्प्ले दिया है, जिसे लेकर कई यूजर्स शिकायत कर रहे हैं। वनप्लस कम्युनिटी में कई यूजर्स ने बताया है कि फोन का ब्राइटनेस लेवल 25 प्रतिशत से कम करने पर डिस्प्ले टिंट दिखने लगते हैं। from Navbharat Times

Poco M2 Pro की फ्लैश सेल आज, कीमत से फीचर्स तक पूरी डीटेल

पोको का यह फोन कंपनी इसी महीने भारतीय बाजार में लॉन्च किया था। फोन की फ्लिपकार्ट पर दोपहर 12 बजे सेल होगी। यह फोन कलर ऑप्शन में खरीदा जा सकता है। पोको का यह फोन कंपनी इसी महीने भारतीय बाजार में लॉन्च किया था। फोन की फ्लिपकार्ट पर दोपहर 12 बजे सेल होगी। यह फोन कलर ऑप्शन में खरीदा जा सकता है। from Navbharat Times

बिहार में 16 अगस्त तक के लिए बढ़ा Lockdown? जानें सरकार ने क्या कहा

बिहार में कोरोना संक्रमण बहुत तेजी से फैल रहा है. राज्य में बाढ़ का कहर पहले से ही व्याप्त है. ऐसे में महामारी बढ़ने का खतरा और बढ़ गया है. आपदाओं के इस दौर में नीतीश सरकार बिहार में लॉकडाउन बढ़ाने पर विचार कर सकती है. हालांकि इसे लेकर अभी कोई फैसला नहीं लिया गया है. from Zee News Hindi: India News

इतिहास बनाने से बस एक कदम दूर ZEE NEWS की मुहिम, 99 लाख का आंकड़ा पार

अगर आप भी #MadeInIndia मुहिम का समर्थन करते हैं तो आप अपने मोबाइल को हथियार बनाइए और हमारे मोबाइल नंबर 7834998998 पर मिस्ड कॉल कीजिए. from Zee News Hindi: India News

Coronavirus: Toll in US crosses 1.5 lakh; India announces Unlock 3 guidelines

7.42 am: The number of recoveries in India crosses the 10-lakh mark, reports ANI citing the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. 7.40 am: The United Kingdom is likely to increase the isolation period for anyone with symptoms of possible Covid-19 to 10 days, reports The Telegraph . 7.37 am: US Attorney General to be tested for Covid-19 after he came in contact with Congressman Gohmert, reports Reuters. 7.25 am: US’ toll surpasses 1,50,000 with more than 1,200 deaths, reports AFP. Florida, Texas and California report huge spike in death rates. US records 1,267 new COVID-19 deaths in 24 hours, Johns Hopkins University reports. Latest toll comes as US surges past grim milestone of 150,000 total fatalities since February. 📸People relax on Miami Beach, July 28. Florida recorded 216 new virus deaths in the past 24 hours — AFP news agency (@AFP) July 30, 2020 7.21 am: The Australian state of Victoria records 723 new cases along with 13 fatalit...

‘Baahubali’ director SS Rajamouli, family test positive for coronavirus

‘Baahubali’ director SS Rajamouli on Wednesday announced that he and his family have tested positive for the coronavirus. “My family members and I developed a slight fever few days ago,” he wrote on Twitter. “It subsided by itself but we got tested nevertheless. The result has shown a mild COVID positive today. We have home quarantined as prescribed by the doctors.” Rajamouli said that he and his family were following all coronavirus-related precautions and instructions. “All of us are feeling better with no symptoms,” he said. “Just waiting to develop antibodies so that we can donate our plasma.” My family members and I developed a slight fever few days ago. It subsided by itself but we got tested nevertheless. The result has shown a mild COVID positive today. We have home quarantined as prescribed by the doctors. — rajamouli ss (@ssrajamouli) July 29, 2020 Members of the film fraternity took to Twitter to wish Rajamouli a speedy recovery. “Rajamouli Sir! Wishing you and the e...

भूकंप से झटकों से कांपी पंजाब की धरती, 3.1 रही तीव्रता

पंजाब में देर रात 2 बजकर 50 मिनट पर भूंकप के झटके महसूस किए गए. भूकंप का केंद्र तरनतारन में रहा. रिएक्टर स्केल पर भूकंप की तीव्रता 3.1 मापी गई. हालांकि अभी तक किसी के जान-माल के नुकसान की कोई खबर नहीं है. from Zee News Hindi: India News

A goat-less Bakri Eid: Covid-19 is dampening festival sales across India

Every year during Bakri Eid, Jameela Pathan and her husband travel from Mumbai to their village in Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, to slaughter a sacrificial goat and celebrate with their families. This year, the coronavirus pandemic compelled them to cancel not just their travel plans, but also their plans to make the ritual Eid sacrifice. “There is no money this year, because we have been out of work since the lockdown began,” said Pathan, who works as a tailor in her cramped home in Shivaji Nagar, one of Mumbai’s largest slums. Her husband is an event photographer. The couple has been living on their savings ever since the nationwide lockdown to contain the Covid-19 pandemic came into force on March 24. Even if they had the money to buy a goat for Bakri Eid on July 31, Pathan is not sure if they would be able to bring it home for slaughter this year. The reason, she says, is the Maharashtra government’s Standard Operating Procedures for the festival, released two weeks ago. The guidel...